About Me

Hi, thanks for dropping by.  My name is Matt Wingett and I’m a writer with an interest in all sorts of things, but right now my number one interest is the little island where I live – the island city of Portsmouth.

I’ve been writing stories and blog entries about Portsmouth for some time, and I find it strange, village-like and extraordinary.  Every step along its cramped roads has a story attached, or a bizarre piece of history.

That’s why I’ve started writing stories about the Island.  You can find them on Amazon, and there’s another page dedicated to my projects.

What else can I tell you about me?

Oh, yes… I used to write episodes of The Bill for Thames TV, I am a hypnotist and have helped people get over phobias.  I help people with motivation, and with just having a better life, and I am closely involved with NLP Life Training – the company that handles the trainings for Dr Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna.

Other passions – well – big respect to The Three Belles, a fab singing trio; to my girlfriend Jackie for her fabulous photography and her ability to make things, to friends like Helen who can sing like pure gold and… to you for reading this.




  1. Mrs Jan Feast

    Hi Matt, congratulations on your publication of Celia`s Arbour. I live in Locksheath and am hoping to be able to bus down on Saturday 30th April to St Georges Church. I have a friend who will shortly be 89 yrs old and would like to give her a copy of your book, I presume I can buy it then, would you sign it for me? Many thanks, Jan Feast.

  2. Rodney Brooks

    I am am studying the book you edited, The History of Portsmouth. I am glad to find someone else interested in the Portsmouth area.

    I am drafting a graphic novel about life around HM Dockyard Portsmouth in Nelson’s time. My characters are apprentices and servants, about 13 years old. They work on the dockyard, victualling yard, Weevil Brewery, and the area. I am considering building a vital map of the area since so many buildings are still existing, or are documented in picture and drawings.

    I am investing substantial time and money researching the time and place. I bought your book! There are places I see referenced that I know nothing about; like the Sally port. Can you please help?

    My ‘pirates’ are old to remember the King’s visit in 1794, especially the number of salutes fired, so they can brag about that.

    Can you point me to blog entries that might cover that period?

    South Carolina, USA

  3. Post

    Hi there, thanks for this. I didn’t see it until just now, and will be in touch via email.

    Thank you,

    Matt Wingett

  4. Post
  5. Michael Parks

    as a member of the shirlock holmes society,living in Kings st. just round the corner from A.C.Doyle.I would love to chat sometime M.

  6. Gwen Tiller

    Hi Matt, I was reading your Mysteries of Portsmouth and on page 50, my father-in-law turns up! How funny. We showed him a couple of years ago and he still remembered telling the paper about the ghost in his house in St Mary’s Road. Sadly, he has dementia now so may not still remember. Stephen Tiller. Now 83 and lived all his life in Pompey.

  7. Post

    Hi Gwen,

    Thanks for letting me know about this. I love it when local people have their own reminiscences. I’m sorry to hear he’s not well now. I hope you enjoy the books and really appreciate you getting in touch.

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